3rd & 4th Floors
To address the ever-increasing ambulatory population at the Children’s Hospital, a renovation of the third and fourth floors of the Rosenthal building opened in 2020. This space, a total of 18,000 square feet, provides a larger, comprehensive infusion center which serves all specialties in CHAM as well as provide a site for the relocation of the Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Blood & Marrow Transplantation ambulatory program.

Rosenthal Pediatrics at Moses
Rosenthal 3 - Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic
The new space accommodates up to 21 exam rooms as well as a satellite hematology laboratory. Additional ambulatory programs such as pediatric surgical specialties, pediatric rheumatology and pediatric nephrology also are co-located in this space. The artwork was created by artist team Gentleman’s Game.
Rosenthal 4 - Pediatric Oncology
A floor dedicated to pediatric oncology patients including infusions and treatments. Artist Jennifer Maravillas was commissioned to create artwork for this space. We also incorporated a virtual reality component for children that connects to the art - the first of its kind.