Mann Report: Cancer and Beyond Exhibition Opens
Simone Development Companies announced the opening of “A(I) Brighter Tomorrow: Cancer and Beyond,” a new winter exhibit at The Gallery of ArtFul Medicine, located in the lobby of Simone Development’s Hutchinson Metro Center’s Tower One at 1250 Waters Place in the Bronx. The exhibition opened to the public on January 24 and will run through April 18, with viewing hours Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

NYREJ: Simone Development features winter exhibit
The exhibition brings together art and healthcare to highlight the human side of the cancer journey. By uniting visionary artists, doctors, and cancer survivors, the exhibition tells a comprehensive story of cancer diagnosis and treatment, staying as true to real-life experiences as possible.

New Graphic Medicine Exhibit: T(H)UMOR: Dear Cancer Diary
From Fredrico Muelas: “My graphic novel T(H)UMOR: Dear Cancer Diary… is featured in the A(I) Brighter Tomorrow: Cancer and Beyond show at The Gallery of ARTFul Medicine, along with three short comic stories I created about cancer survivors from Montefiore’s Bronx Oncology Living Daily (BOLD Buddies) program. I’m honored to be included in such a meaningful show, co-curated by Natalia Marín and Jodi Moise, which features the work of incredible artists such as Suzanne Anker, Anna and Jordan Rathkopf, Anna Dumitriu, Alex May, Dr. Sabina Scuri, and Vladimir Gheorghiu.”

Undersea Whimsy at Queen City Art Gallery
NEW ROCHELLE, NY (October 28, 2024) — A Duck Amuck Art Studio & Gift Shop is excited to announce the solo exhibition, “Undersea Whimsy,” by White Plains-based artist Erwin Ong, on display at the Queen City Art Gallery, located inside the Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital. The exhibition will run through December 31, 2024, and is sponsored by The Fine Art Program and Collection at Montefiore Einstein, which brings vibrant and meaningful art to healthcare settings.

New Collection, "The Joy of Flowers," Brings Light and Happiness to Montefiore New Rochelle
At Montefiore New Rochelle, the healing properties of flower power are on display in The Queen City Art Gallery’s newest summer exhibit, Hannah Jupiter’s “The Joy of Flowers.”
Jupiter’s collection features “flower arrangements” constructed from a multitude of materials, from vintage gardening books to wrapping paper. The physical collages are often finished with resin or enlarged through digital means to amp up the level of drama. The collection’s title, “The Joy of Flowers,” pulls its name from “Simchah,” a Hebrew word for joy, happiness and celebration.
“The pieces in the collection allow you, the viewer, a chance to take a moment to pause and reflect. To appreciate not only the work itself, but your connection to the beauty and completeness of the flowers and one’s self,” said Jupiter.

Simone Development Companies and Montefiore Host Studio in a School Exhibit
The Fine Art Program and Collection at Montefiore Einstein is proud to present Taking Shape: Art at Every Age from Studio in a School, an exhibition of vibrant artworks created by children and teens across New York City. During the 2022-2023 school year, the young artists in this exhibition participated in Studio in a School’s visual arts programs, which transform public school classrooms into thriving art studios. The exhibit is on display in the Tower One lobby of Simone Development Companies’ Hutchinson Metro Center in the Bronx.
Taking Shape surveys the artistic development of students from toddlerhood through the teen years. Walking through the exhibition and looking from piece to piece is like watching a child grow up. Organized into two sections, the exhibition begins with bold and exuberant artworks from children in grades 3K-5 and concludes with rigorous and ambitious pieces created by adolescents and teens in grades 6-12. As young people mature, their new skills and capacities become visually evident through their art.

Simone Development Announces "First Stop Last Stop: The Bronx" Fall Exhibit at The Gallery of ARTFul Medicine
Rita Nannini’s Decade-Long Photography Project Captures the Everyday New Yorker Throughout NYC’s Subway Stops
BRONX, NY (September XX, 2023) – Simone Development Companies announced the opening of Rita Nannini’s First Stop Last Stop: The Bronx fall exhibit at The Gallery of ARTFul Medicine, located in the lobby of Simone Development’s Hutchinson Metro Center’s Tower One at 1250 Waters Place in the Bronx. The highly-anticipated exhibition will open its doors to the public on October 9 and will run through January 5, 2024 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Kaleidoscope: A Journey of Shape and Color—a New Exhibit Featured at Montefiore New Rochelle
Hildy Martin’s vibrant paper collages are an exercise in freedom and joy—feelings her art is sure to inspire in visitors of The Queen City Art Gallery at Montefiore New Rochelle, where Martin’s “Kaleidoscope: A Journey of Shape and Color” is being exhibited this summer.

Burke Rehabilitation Unveils "The Journey of Healing"
Burke Rehabilitation announced the installation of “The Journey of Healing,” a permanent art exhibition at its White Plains campus (785 Mamaroneck Avenue). The exhibit features artwork by Westchester resident and abstract artist Aimee Hofmann that uplifts patients, caregivers, and staff members.

A Personal Journey of Injury, Surgery, and Recovery Vividly Portrayed in the New Exhibit at The Queen City Art Gallery
The bold, organic shapes and splashes of intense color greeting visitors to The Queen City Art Gallery at Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital may look abstract, but for New Rochelle artist Kat Sayegh, these digital prints are a central part of her therapeutic healing process. The interpretations of her MRI images, which hang below some of her art pieces, and the central nervous system represent Sayegh’s personal journey of injury, surgery and recovery. Featured in The Montefiore Einstein Update.

NY1 Tweet: In the #Bronx, youngsters visited the @MontefioreNYC Hutchinson Metro Center to view and be inspired by artwork from fellow students.
In the #Bronx, youngsters visited the
Hutchinson Metro Center to view and be inspired by artwork from fellow students.

Studios in the Bronx 2022 celebrates artwork from Bronx-based public schools
Studio NYC is honored to partner with The Fine Art Program and Collection at Montefiore Einstein to present Studios in the Bronx 2022: Artwork from Studio in a School NYC, which opened on Monday.
On view at The Gallery of ARTful Medicine at Montefiore’s Hutchinson campus is this exhibition of vibrant artworks created by children and teens living and learning in the Bronx. During the 2021-2022 school year, the young artists in this exhibition participated in Studio in a School’s visual arts programs, which transformed public school classrooms into thriving art studios.

Local Graphic Designer Explores Deaf Identity at Queen City Art Gallery at New Rochelle Hospital
Salvador Sanchez’s surreal self-portraits and futuristic landscapes take center stage in a new exhibit at the Queen City Art Gallery at Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital.
Sanchez explores the unique perspective of a person who was born hearing, suffered hearing loss as a child and was suddenly deafened in early adulthood. “The Journal of Deaf Life” outlines his journey to wholeness, along with the many complicated emotions that came with his deafness.

YES Gallery Artist and Co-Founder Interviewed on BronxNet
An interview on Open Friday in The Bronx discussing the YES (Youth Empowerment Series) Gallery exhibition featuring youth artist and former Montefiore patient Joel Trinidad with YES co-founder Dr. Jenny Seham.

ARTViews Gallery Artist Pablo Castillo Featured on BronxNet
Here is Pablo Castillo’s interview with Gary Axelbank on BronxNet Community Television. The artist discuss his upbringing living in the Bronx and how he used photoshop to create images that describe how he wants to view his home town.

Maple Tree of Love Tapestry
Public art installation by Columbian-American artist Lina Puerta, co-organized by KODA and The Fine Art Program and Collection at Montefiore Medicine. Currently on view at the Montefiore Moses Campus, West Garden (111 East 210th Street, Bronx, NY 10467)

Burke Unveils New Art Installation ‘Signs of Compassion’ Offering Hope and Support
Burke Unveils New Art Installation ‘Signs of Compassion’ by artist Miggs Burroughs. Read the article from Rehab Management by clicking on the image.

Business Council of Westchester Highlights new art installation at Burke Rehabilitation
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Artwork Fosters Healing at Burke Rehabilitation Hospital
Artwork Fosters Healing at Burke Rehabilitation Hospital -Permanent and Rotating Installations Enhance Patient Experience and Recovery. Burke Rehabilitation demonstrates its commitment to treating the whole person by displaying art installations in its inpatient and outpatient settings. The restorative quality of art reinforces the treatment provided by Burke’s highly trained therapists.

The Road Not Taken - An Inspiring New Art Exhibit at Montefiore New Roc
The current exhibit, called “The Road Not Taken,” features the work of New Rochelle photographer Marisa Boan. It takes inspiration from Robert Frost’s poem and features rich, floral photography that invites visitors to look closely at the roads (both real and metaphorical) that they travel on each day. “If there are no flowers along that road, you may want to take a different road,” Boan said.

An ARTFul Interpretation of Orthopedics at Hutch Metro Campus
The Gallery of ARTFUl Medicine at Montefiore’s Hutchinson campus presents contemporary art within the unique context of a medical center. In its vision, exhibiting artists are “encouraged to interpret scientific and medical research and create works of art depicting issues of cultural, political, and technological significance.” As I toured the space last year with Jodi Moise, Director of the Fine Art Program and Collection at Montefiore Einstein, I noticed a sign for the Department of Orthopedics and Spine Center. I casually turned to Jodi and said, “Oh, that’s so interesting! I wore a backtrace for seven years when I was a kid” and she responded, “Do you want to work with them?” Surprised and excited, I said “yes!” not knowing what might happen.

Art Meets Orthopedics with a Unique Exhibit at The Hutch Metro Campus
A unique art exhibit of anatomical drawings and papercraft relating to orthopedics is now on display through November at the Gallery of ARTFul Medicine at Montefiore Einstein’s Hutchinson Campus. It features the art of Marianne R. Petit, a New York artist and educator. The show, “An ARTFul Interpretation of Orthopedics,” highlights and explores the works of orthopedics as told through the art of papercraft.